Whenever possible, we prefer to receive artwork as a PDF to reduce the risk of print errors. Most popular design packages provide the option to "save as" or "export" your work as a PDF, including all Adobe Creative Suite packages (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Microsoft Office packages (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint), and most online design suites such as Canva.
If you're unsure of how to supply your artwork as a PDF, we can also accept the following formats:
- JPEGs (saved at 300dpi high resolution)
- InDesign (please embed all fonts and images or supply as a packaged folder)
- Illustrator (please embed all fonts and images or supply as a packaged folder)
- Photoshop (please embed all fonts and images or supply as a packaged folder)
Please be aware that supplying artwork in these formats may cause issues with fonts, colors, and image resolution, which could result in delays to your order. If you have any questions about how to supply your artwork, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help.