Wherever possible we ask for artwork to be supplied to the following specifications:
PAGES: If your artwork contains more than one page/side, it would be great if you could provide a single PDF file containing all pages in the correct order. But, if you're unable to supply a single file, please ensure your filenames clearly state which order the pages are to be printed. Appending the filename with "front", "back" or the number of the page will let us know which order the pages should be printed.
RESOLUTION: Before sending us your artwork, please ensure your images are saved with a resolution of around 300dpi. Anything less may print with appear pixelated. Please check the resolution of your images carefully... just because they look good on screen doesn't mean they'll print properly!
BLEED: If you're a dab hand at creating artwork and are comfortable adding 3mm bleed and crop marks then great. If all this sounds like Double Dutch then don't worry, our talented designers will handle this for you.
SAFE ZONE: Please supply the artwork in CMYK and keep all important elements of your design at least 3mm away from the edge of your artwork (we call this our "safe zone").
There may be additional requirements for certain products such as booklets, flashcards and products requiring SpotUV and foiling.