We offer a wide choice of custom printed bound products, including brochures and booklets, magazines and newsletters. In addition to our general artwork supply guidelines, we have a few specific recommendations for supplying artwork for these types of products.
First, we recommend adding 6mm of bleed to your artwork rather than the usual 3mm. This is especially important if your brochure or booklet contains a large number of pages. By adding extra bleed, you can help ensure that the edges of your pages are printed correctly, even if they shift slightly during the binding process.
Second, we recommend avoiding placing text across page spreads or within 3mm of the "gutter" (the center of the fold where the pages are bound together). This will help prevent your text from becoming hidden within the folds of the pages or disappearing behind a staple.
Finally, we ask that you supply your artwork as a single, multi-page PDF file. This will help ensure that all of your pages are printed correctly and in the correct order. If you need to include blank (non-printed) pages in your document, please remember to include them in your PDF file as well.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with supplying artwork for a bound product, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is always happy to help.